Meet Your Instructors

Pim Schachtschabel

Experience Alchemist

Pim is a trained architect and currently works as a creative strategist. He co-founded Sherlocked, an award-winning escape room in Amsterdam. He also facilitates a range of workshops around the world from design thinking to designing regenerative rituals. Pim wants to re-enchant the world and show through experience design how magical the mundane can be.

Anthony Rocco

Facilitator of Transformation

Monica is a facilitator and project manager who sees personal transformation as a key ingredient to building a more just and compassionate world. She worked closely with neuroscientist Dr. Richard Davidson to convene The Compassionate Leadership Summit with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Monica founded Sacred Mirrors Healing where she offers clairvoyant readings, outdoor yoga, and meditation workshops. She currently lives on a regenerative ranch in California with her soil scientist partner and their vociferous cat.

Monica Canfield-Lenfest

Director of Serendipity

Anthony trained as a filmmaker at NYU and currently works as a business strategist. He is featured in Priya Parker’s Art of Gathering for his work as an experience designer at The Latitude Society. You will find him at home in San Francisco where he teaches yoga and facilitates community gatherings.

Begin your journey of personal and/or professional transformation by learning the basic concepts, frameworks, and principles to cultivate a more curious mindset.